Who we are

Our Founder and CEO, Yolanda Roach, was inspired to create the company after experiencing the challenges of managing the end of life arrangements for a loved one without knowing their prior wishes. Her personal journey fuelled her determination to change the way people plan for life's inevitable transitions.

Discussing and planning for death is still considered taboo and people avoid talking about it. This reluctance leaves loved ones vulnerable to emotional and financial hardship.

At Elifa - we simplify end of life and legacy planning and management through our secure digital vault and platform, safeguarding personal, financial, end of life and legacy wishes. Our solution addresses the root causes of the problem, creating a lasting impact for generations to come.

The platform enables individuals to discuss, plan and manage key life events such as healthcare, death and legacy while still alive and of sound mind, and to share some or all of the information in the vault with loved ones or a preferred solicitor.

Our Ethos


To empower people to take ownership of their legacy, preserving their wishes through our secure digital vault and platform.

We aim to create social change, one family at a time.


To create a society where intentional end-of-life and legacy planning is a lifestyle, where individuals feel empowered to have meaningful conversations about the inevitable and where they can enrich the lives of their loved ones.


A culture where intentional end-of-life and legacy planning is a normal part of our lifestyle.

Our Values


Conversations about death are challenging, we’re here to encourage people to start talking.


Privacy is our top priority and we have built a system that keeps legacies safe and in the hands of the right people.


Friends and loved ones deserve to be a part of the conversation so they feel safe & empowered to receive a legacy.


Like our brand, our product is easy to navigate, because we want to remove the barriers and pains from legacy management.

Security & Privacy from the ground up

  • Security

    Security is very important to us and is built into everything we do. We also provide you with tips and tools to help you secure your digital life.

  • Privacy

    Your privacy is our priority: We implement stringent measures to safeguard your personal information, ensuring it is only used as you intended it.

  • Your Eyes Only

    Only you and the people you choose to share your vault with know what’s in it. We have zero access to and zero knowledge of the contents of your vault.

  • Industry Compliance

    We diligently adhere to the latest security compliance standards, ensuring we follow industry best practices to ensure you are protected.

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